Create Site Visit

  1. In the Site Visits schedule, tap on the + icon or 'Tap to create' in the schedule window:
  2. The Create Site Visit page is displayed:

  3. Enter the following:
    • Customer - The customer to visit
    • Location - Displayed once you have selected customer - select a location from customer sites/contacts
    • Start/End - The visit start and end date and times
    • Title - The visit title
    • Description - A description of this site visit
    • Requested by - Email address of person requesting the site visit
    • Location - The address and/or postcode (the location can be shown on a map)
    • Date & Time - Today's date and current time are displayed by default - change this if needed
    • Duration - The expected duration of the visit in the format. Tap to display the stepper.
    • Ticket queue - Choose in which ticket queue you want the site visit ticket to sit
    Note - When creating a site visit, an accompanying ticket is created at the same time (even when the site visit is scheduled for a future date).
  4. Tap on to save
  5. The visit is added to the schedule.

You can go on to add even more details to your site visit - by accessing the following pages from the top right menu:

Tip - You can also create a site visit from an existing ticket. For details see Create Site Visit from Ticket.